Live your best life, one step at a time...

Live your best life, one step at a time...

Mental Health & Wellbeing Coach

We all deserve to live healthy, happy and fulfilled lives, free from stress related issues such as anxiety, depression and physical illness.  The reality is we are fallible human beings, influenced by our past, present and life experiences. We all respond differently to these experiences and for some it can lead to:

  • Low self-esteem, self-doubt and lacking in confidence
  • Relationship issues at work, whether with your boss, colleagues and customers or with family members, friends or loved ones
  • Self-defeating beliefs, thoughts and behaviours
  • Procrastination, unable to focus or move forward
  • Perfectionism, leading to a fear of failing or ‘imposter syndrome’
  • Unhealthy relationships with food, weight and exercise
  • Low energy and sleep problems

We all want energy and motivation to get out of bed in the morning and enjoy the day right? The above, can affect your ability to function and perform at your best.

Your coach, Cathy Lawson

I have over 25 years experience of working in the wellbeing industry and in that time have qualified in Wellness Coaching, Nutrition & Weight Management, ICF accredited Cognitive Behaviour Coaching, NLP, Person-centred counselling and Mental Health First Aid training.

Cathy Lawson<br />

My commitment to you

To help you overcome psychological blocks and discover, through collaborative exploration and goal focused action, the person you desire to be, and only you can decide what that means for you.

Working with me means that I will question, gently challenge and provide loads of support for you to gain clarity, direction, purpose and to make changes that will enable you to live your best life, one step at a time.

My approach is solutions-focused and goal orientated using tried and tested psychological and practical techniques.

You choose how you want to work with me, an hour at a time, up to two hours for a more intense session, face to face or online whatever fits with your (and my) availability. You decide the frequency of the sessions.

I guarantee you will go away from your time spent with me, thinking differently, feeling more in control and armed with the tools, models and techniques to overcome difficulties and make positive changes.

“Cathy has inspired me to focus on my diet and exercise and make some key life changes to be more healthy and positive about my life choices. I wanted to lose weight without feeling restricted. I worked with her weekly to ensure I was making progress, 1lb per week. After eight weeks, friends and family commented on the difference in inches around my waist, bust and arms… my problem areas…! What was important to me is being able to discuss challenges, work out new tactics and review my progress. I will continue to follow the advice and feel totally motivated to achieve my goals before my daughter’s wedding later this year. Oh yes, and running the Race for Life this year, instead of just walking it….”

Carol Davison

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